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Today in Episode 194, we're going to talk about the three most important questions to ask when qualifying leads at the start of a sales conversation. 

Okay, on to today's topic - the three key questions for qualifying leads upfront to avoid wasting time later. Talking to unqualified prospects costs you in multiple ways. For service businesses, you waste time and money sending technicians on-site. Plus you lose opportunity cost from not spending that time with qualified prospects more likely to buy.

You also waste backend time following up with poor prospects. The solution is properly qualifying upfront using these three simple but powerful questions:

1. Why us? This reveals whether you're perceived as unique or commoditised. "You came up on Google" means you're seen as a commodity. If they say "My brother insisted I call only you," you have differentiation.

2. Why now? This uncovers the prospect's sense of urgency and timing reasons. Needing work done by Christmas shows urgency making them more qualified. No plans until next year means don't invest much time now.

3. Why this way? This lets you challenge assumptions and create differentiation. Most prospects don't professionally research your product. Gently probing their thinking often reveals gaps you can fill with your expertise, creating value.

Let me share an example of hot water systems. Most plumbers just quote what's requested. But say, "I'm curious why you want gas?" and "Do you have solar panels?" Now you can propose a heat pump system using their solar energy, differentiating you as the expert.

Asking these three simple questions prevents wasted effort on unqualified leads. You filter prospects appropriately and uncover opportunities to stand out. Your competitors commoditise themselves by answering superficial questions while you have meaningful conversations creating value.

I'm also excited to launch my 10-week Sales Mastery Certification training, bringing my elite consulting to small businesses and sales professionals. Stay tuned for details!

As always, listen to this episode to convert more prospects faster.

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
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