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In episode 176, we continue with our Best Book Series. On this occasion, we are going to be discussing yet another book that has had a big influence on me, my business, my sales career, my coaching business, and my ability to help other clients.   

Last week, we talked about the Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes. Today we're going to be talking about Start with No, which was written by Jim Camp who sadly passed away a few years ago.  

The thing that I liked the most about this book is that it talks about focusing on your behavior and your actions.   

Jim talks about the fact that you actually don't have control over the outcome of the actual conversation, the sales conversation, or the negotiation.  

You don't know who's going to say yes, and who's going to say no, and there's evidence of this, where you've had sales, where you thought that it was an absolute no-brainer, and the person didn't buy.    

And you've also had sales when you thought that there was no way in hell that the person was going to buy and that they ended up buying anyway.   

Ultimately you don’t have control over whether they say yes or no, so what should you focus on instead?  

The idea is to concentrate on what you can control, and what is that? Listen to this episode to find out.  

The thing is if you do something often and consistently enough, after a while, a pattern will appear. So, if you get better at this, ultimately, you will get more people that will say yes, but you are never going to know which ones they’re going to be.  

Tune in for this episode to learn what to do and what not to do in sales conversations so you can make better use of your skills and your time by focusing on things that will actually help you become more and more successful, and of course, if you hadn’t had the chance to read this book, I strongly encourage you to do so. 

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