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In episode 172, we're going to talk about the three most important things to consider if you are thinking about changing industries. 

This is such an important idea because there is so much changing in business at the moment and often you can change industries and do incredibly well with the same skill set. A lot of people don't understand how transferable their skill sets are. 

Back in the day when I used to work for a sunglasses company, there was one guy who was part of the team who was really good at what he did. 

I had a conversation with him and I said to him, why don't you look at going into a different industry? He looked at me and just said, “Look, I just couldn't do it. I just don't think I could do it. I really don't feel like I could work in a different industry. This is all I've known.” 

And I remember saying to him, “what you need to understand is that there's not that much difference from industry to industry.” 

And the reason that I know that is that when I first started this consulting business, I was niched in the action sports industry. And for the first five years, they were the only clients that I dealt with, surf shops, surf wholesale businesses, and importers, and then I gradually started to go into different industries, a lot of them. 

What I learned is that you are not going to see that much difference between industries other than the type of product and perhaps some nuances and some different ways that you need to talk about that particular product or service. Outside of that, it's not that different. 

However, there are some things you need to know if you are going to switch to a different industry, that’s why in this episode I’m going to share with you the 3 fundamental things you should consider when changing industries. 

Listen to this episode to know what they are so that you can face any new and exciting challenge with a clear mind and with tools that will help you make the most out of any situation, regardless of the industry you are in. Don’t miss it. 

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