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This week, I am very excited because we have an amazing guest on the show, Ken Okazaki.  

Ken is a video marketing expert, he has produced huge amounts of content for highly renowned people over the years, and he has a deep understanding of the media, the production part of it, and the content part of it.  

I have been wanting to get Ken on the show for quite some time because video is such an important part of content, of the internet, of websites, it is essential almost everywhere. The thing is, do we really understand how useful it is? do we really understand how to exploit this resource?  

Before he started his video marketing business, Ken was running large-scale personal development seminars in Japan, where he’s from.  

He was a promoter, and the company he worked for, they'd partner with world-class speakers like Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, and Les Brown to mention a few, and run big events. They used to fill a stadium every other month so, they were doing good.  

However, Ken really hated it. Running those events was a headache, trying to keep everybody happy, and the business running at the same time was not easy so, he decided to quit and start his own business doing what he loved.  

He also made great use of his connections because, he was able to get to work with the world-class speakers he used to invite to the seminars, and he made them an offer they couldn’t say no to. Ken produced with them a year’s worth of content in only two days.  

We are very lucky to have him with us today, and in this episode, we’re going to dive into all the things you need to know about video so that you can get the most out of it regardless of what kind of business you are in.   

Also, I didn’t expect this to happen but, Ken is actually sharing with us his step-by-step process for creating video content.  

Make sure you don’t miss this amazing interview; you'll get a stack out of it! And remember what Ken says, “If you see a path for social media to generate the leads for your business, then video is probably the best way to do it”. 

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