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In episode 159, we are going to talk about the advantages of presenting your proposal, quote, or fee to a potential client, instead of just emailing it.   

If you just send your proposal via email, it can often end up in the spam folder, can easily be ignored, or the potential client will open it and click straight through to the price.  

What can you do to avoid this? Well, there are some other ways to get things started with a potential client.  

The first thing to understand here is that there is so much to be gained from actually making time to go through your fee outline with somebody in person, these days in person can be on Zoom, it can simply be giving them a call.   

Giving them a call and giving them the heads up that you're just about to send them their outline makes an enormous difference. It reduces dramatically the chances of your email ending up in the trash bin.  

But, if you can schedule a Zoom call, meet in person, or somehow get to talk to them you are going to have more resources to approach them.  

Why? Because you can show them the outline, go through each of the different points that must be taken care of, have a constant dialogue where you can calibrate as you go, and stay focused on providing value and providing solutions.  

This is a huge strategic advantage because you are going to be building value by going through all the different points and all the amazing things you can do for them instead of having them look at the price and skipping all the information.  

A conversation with them also allows you to sense if there is something that they’re not happy about or that they want to know more about. That’s why it is important to be there, to listen, and to observe carefully.  

This is just the beginning. In this episode, I’m sharing with you the seven strategic advantages of presenting your proposal to a prospective client rather than just emailing it.  

Listen to this episode to know all the great things that can be done just by having an actual conversation with your potential clients, I know you will understand why it is so important to not rely only on emails to present your quote and learn to prioritise what’s relevant for them.   

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.