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Recently, I have been talking a lot to people about price objections. I find that it’s pretty common to have issues with this matter, and today I want to share with you four reasons why you are experiencing pushback when it comes to your fees. 

The first one is, you haven't uncovered enough value. People will not be prepared to spend any more money than what they perceive as valuable; I know value itself can show up in a number of different ways but as a very global-type statement, this is a fundamental reason that you're getting pushback on price.  

The first way that it shows up is you haven't uncovered enough pain. If there isn't enough discomfort in what the person is already doing, they won’t see the point of doing anything about it.  

Human beings are really interesting characters, they will not move from where they are until they become uncomfortable enough to do so; you probably have already thought of at least one moment in your life where you did make the move to either get yourself out of a problematic situation or to simply be in a better place than where you were, it wasn’t a smooth journey, right? 

So, if a person doesn’t realise the cost of doing nothing about their situation, they’re not going to take the next step. It is very unlikely that they’re aware of how big their issues are but that’s when you come in, to make them see that doing nothing is actually costing them more than making something to fix their problems. 

Listen to this episode to know the four reasons why you are getting objections on price. I’m sure you’ll get a stack out of this episode because it will help you build a reliable and profitable approach to work with your clients. 

I’m sure you’ll get a stack out of this episode because it will help you build a reliable and profitable approach to work with your clients. If you need any further help with this or any other matter you know where to find me, I’ll be more than happy to talk to you. 

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