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Today is a really special day because Jade Green is on the show with us. 

Jade has built an international reputation as a hard-charging, rule-breaking, high-performance serial entrepreneur, speaker, and coach. 

She hosts the surf and business podcast Barrels and Business, she’s a transformational teacher, bestselling author, learning junkie, spiritual being, adventurer, certified trainer, and facilitator for Mindvalley and The Genius Group. 

As you can see, her background is pretty impressive, and I am thrilled to have her on the show because she is going to share with us some incredible information about how to build a kick-ass team.  

We have already talked about hiring, building teams, and building culture in previous episodes but believe me, Jade just takes this to a whole other level! 

She is going to share with us how she has been able to help purpose-driven business owners, entrepreneurs, and coaches to scale their companies so they can achieve the impact they deserve by creating productive and profitable teams.  

She knows how important is to have all the elements of a team working properly; as she says, “For those of you that are looking to build your teams you’ll be glad to know that profitability and productivity is a great side effect of having a happy team.” 

There's so much that Jade has got to tell us, and I know it will be eye-opening for you in at least a couple of ways. It's only a matter of whether you're ready to build an awesome team that can take proper care of their responsibilities so that you can dedicate your time to what deserves it the most. 

Listen to this episode to learn what it takes to build it. Trust me, this is incredibly valuable! I’ve learned so much from Jade and I know you will too. We are actually going to do a part two in the future so, stay tuned for that as well. 

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.

Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.