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Recently I was looking through my book High Stakes Selling and I arrived at this particular chapter where I talk about a conversation that I had some time ago with one of the biggest sunglass chains in Australia at the time. 

There was a lady who worked as a buyer for this chain that had been in the industry for a long time and certainly knew her stuff but had a bit of a reputation of being a tough nut to crack.  

It seemed near impossible to get into that chain. 

As you can imagine, a lot of companies really wanted to get their products into this store, and in front of their thousands and thousands of customers. Instead of just wishing or “trying” to get a deal, I managed to book a meeting with this lady, hoping to make the deal. 

The guy that I worked for knew her through a previous company that he represented, and he said to me, “All the best, but don't be surprised if she shuts you down”. The guy that had been in the role before me also knew her because he had a couple of meetings with her, they pretty much reached deadlock on every occasion. 

These guys were a huge account, and our product was selling really well, it was growing quickly. We were already dealing with a lot of surf stores, but we weren't dealing with mainstream eyewear-type clients and that was the reason for setting up that meeting.  

So, we started what was a very polite conversation, and it was going great... or so it seemed, up until a point where suddenly, things took a turn for the worse. Somehow, we ended up arguing about a completely irrelevant matter to our purpose, and I could see that the conversation wasn't going anywhere good. 

What was the outcome of that meeting? Eventually, we mapped out an opening order for sunglasses for their national eyewear chain, which included their over 200 stores! 

Listen to this episode to find out what I did, and how, what seemed like a very unpromising encounter, culminated in closing one of the most profitable sales I’ve ever been involved with. I know you'll get a lot out of this story because there are key lessons in it that can apply to so many situations in business development. 

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.

Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.