Visit to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

Recently, I started to realise that it is very common for people these days to have trouble engaging with paid leads, leads that are coming through paid advertising.  

The last four inquiries I received came from clients that are dealing with that type of issue now, so, I thought it was a good idea to talk about three ways to maximise your sales from paid advertising. 

Nowadays, access to information is easier than ever; it is easier for people to find your business online and contact you if they have an inquiry, you shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that it is also easier for them to find your competition. 

The increasing use of social media and the rapidness with which people can get a response via these platforms calls for an immediate approach to inquiries, which is the first way to maximise your sales I’m sharing with you. 

Call leads straight away; it has become more important than ever. 

If you call a lead within five minutes of the inquiry, you are nine times more likely to actually convert them into a paying client. That is massive! 

You have no idea how many businesses have absolutely no clue about the magnitude of this simple action. Ask them how long it takes them to get back to a lead, they are usually going to say, “not long at all, within the first two days” That is way too late! 

Think of the scenario, one person can be looking at four different websites at a time, looking for the best option for his or her particular situation, sending inquiries to all of the businesses that seem like they can help, expecting to talk to somebody that understands their concerns, hopefully, in a matter of minutes. 

That is a huge window of opportunity, the sooner you respond the better, but you have to know how to do it, there are some fundamental elements that you cannot ignore about the way you engage with the people that write to you. 

Listen to this episode to know how to properly do it so you can maximise your sales from paid advertising. These are three very simple and very effective ways to do it that won’t let you down. As simple as they may seem, you can really get excellent results if you start implementing them and teaching your team how to implement them as well. 

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.

Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.