The government has announced new immigration laws surrounding how New Zealand employers will be able to bring migrants into the country through work visas. Unfortunately, everything you knew before has changes and now all New Zealand employers will soon need to be Accredited with Immigration New Zealand in order to keep and recruit new works on a visa.

Joined with Ryan, you'll hear the expertise of Nassim Lalehzari explain the Immigration New Zealand changes in great detail. Nassim is the Head of Immigration for Working In Visas and has over a decades experience in the field of immigration in both New Zealand and Australia. She will discuss the upcoming changes, what they mean for your business, what you need to do to get prepared and why you need to be thinking about this now, rather than down the line.  

Alongside Ryan and Nassim, The Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Immigration, will share thinking on policy reviews such as the skilled worker visas and the future of the New Zealand immigration system through a recording as he unfortunately wasn't able to attend the live webinar. 

The podcast will cover the following: 

·         Upcoming Employer Accreditation 

·         The 3 types of Employer Accreditation and which one will apply to you 

·         What you can do now to prepare for Accreditation 

·         Other steps you can take to protect your migrant workforce 

·         Q&A session

This podcast was delivered first as a live webinar to Master Builder members only, to help them prepare for the upcoming changes to the immigration procedures and how it affects their current migrant workers and any upcoming immigrant labour. Participants asked relevant personal and business questions which were answered during the session but removed for this podcast for privacy reasons. If you are a master builder member and wish to rewatch the live webinar, there is a course on the Elevate platform called "How Immigration Changes Will Impact Your Workforce Webinar"

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