Mark Holland and Rachel Conner from Hazelton Law share their expertise and advice on the impact of COVID-19 on your current contracts, including RBC1, and your rights and obligations.

Mark Holland and Rachel Conner from Hazelton Law share their expertise and advice on the impact of COVID-19 on your current contracts, including RBC1, and your rights and obligations.  

Mark, the resident contract guru, talks you through contract considerations and how your current contract will help you through issues that will arise throughout lockdown such as delay, extension of time, material shortage and supply chain cost increase, stage payment questions, time bar clauses and force majeure clause clarifications. 

Rachel gives you advice on what you can be doing during lockdown to get your business in order, such as paperwork tips, staying up to date with building acts and regulations and how you can be taking the first steps on resolving any outlying disputes. 

This was first delivered as a webinar for Master Builder members. Members participating in the webinar were able to submit their questions to have them answered during the session. The questions and answers section of the webinar  begins from minute 30:18. 

If you have additional questions or need advice, Hazelton Law offers Master Builders members a free 15 minute call and discounted rates to assist with more gnarly issues. Contact the friendly team at Hazelton Law on (04) 472 7570.

Hazelton Law:

Master Builders members can watch the Hazelton Law Impact on contracts webinar on Elevate here

Find out more about the RBC-1 contract by taking the Elevate Contracts (2018 revision) course on Elevate
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