Behind every victory, there is a mom celebrating! 
Behind every struggle, there is a mom crumbling! 
Behind every Mom, there may be simultaneous feelings of celebration and crumbling. 
The most consistent mask I wear is the mask of a brave momma who can face anything in the eyes of her children. 
But that is not always the way I am on the inside. I am processing the world around us, the struggles we may be facing that the kids know nothing about, worrying about one or more of the kids and their lives, planning and organizing our home, our lives, and other responsibilities I may have. 
Oh,  and praying through ALL of it. 

No matter what we face, God sees us. The challenge is, do we see each other? 
When was the last time you called a friend for coffee? 
When was the last time you sent a text asking, how are you? 
When was the last time you opened your home for a meal, even when the dishes are dirty to build community? 

I am guilty of not doing any of the above enough. But in the world today we need to be practicing seeing each other the way God sees us and in order to do that, we have to open the doors to our homes and our hearts. 

No matter what we need to know that Momma, you are seen by God, always and forever! 



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