Today's guest on the podcast is a professional boxer, author, speaker, chess player, physics major, intellectual, and virtual mentor to a host of men connected with him on Twitter. Ed attributes much of his success in life to a fateful decision he made to give up alcohol for a season to focus on his life's ambitions. Ed and I discuss the expansive benefits of giving up alcohol and why most, if not all, men would also benefit by making this decision.

The goal of this podcast is not to demonize all that choose to partake in drinking. The goal is to illuminate the benefits of taking some time away from drinking so that men who stand to gain immensely by doing so (i.e. most men) will be motivated to make that decision and reap the life-changing rewards.

Show Highlights
- The specific life events that motivated Ed to give up drinking
- What Ed’s drinking habits were like before he decided to go sober
- How to objectively determine if you have a drinking problem
- The odd reactions to expect from others when not drinking at social events
- How your friends will react to your decision to stop drinking
- Why some guys that binge drink often actually don’t have a drinking problem
- The consequences of consuming alcohol most guys fail to consider
- Why drinking doesn’t actually help with social anxiety and is often harmful to our social interactions with others
- What to expect if you decide to drink non-alcoholic beers and wines
- The financial benefits of sobriety
- Twitter Q&A on sobriety
- The most pragmatic reason why every guy should consider taking a break from drinking alcohol

Be sure to connect with Ed on his blog ( and on Twitter (@EdLatimore). And don't forget to go to to pick up a copy of his book, "Not Caring What Other People Think is a Superpower".

Finally, if you enjoy this podcast, please do me a huge favor and leave a review on iTunes.