Craig James hosts a podcast interview with Jon Parker from to discuss the masculine caricatures perpetuated today and the state of Christian masculinity. Here are some of the show highlights:

- What it was like for Jon growing up without a positive masculine role model and the unexpected places he found masculine influences

- How politics and masculinity inevitably intersect

- What motivated Jon to lose over 30 pounds of fat (and how he did it)

- Jon's recent experience attempting to complete a 7-day fast

- The unexpected reason Jon is currently unable to actualize his desire to enlist in the U.S. military

- How masculine caricatures have come to define masculinity as something that it isn't

- How the church - and particularly men in the church - has been made impotent by the feminizing of western society

- Jon shares about the novel he's writing to use fiction as a way of motivating men to embrace their masculinity