0:18 Michael Weaselboy

Do you think we will ever see Nick Fury Jr. in the MCU??

1:42 Mookie Johnson

Do you feel that Brie Larson has done a good job of portraying Carol Danvers in multiple time periods of her life (CM flashbacks, CM main time period, Endgame Start, Endgame end)? I feel that is a tremendous challenge to be given, especially since she shot the last 2 time periods first and with the least amout of time with the character.

5:44 Steven

Would you be in favor of a Marvel Studios produced animated series that is treated as canon, and fills in a time gap in the Infinity Saga, much the way Clone Wars does for the prequel trilogy? My pick would be Captain America and the Secret Avengers, picking up right after Black Widow in the timeline, and leading to Infinity War.

12:02 Linc

If you could choose 3 MCU sagas (e.g. iron man trilogy, Avengers quadrilogy, Thor trilogy, Guardians duology) to receive a (belated) Disney Gallery series, which would they be?

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