How important is a routine to a healthy relationship? What's in a routine that makes it successful? We share our woes about feeling in a funk and trying to get back into a healthy routine including, diet, working out and most importantly - SLEEP. Also: We talk about how pick up basketball has now brought its beauty to the NBA, why it's never ok to hurl tiny balls at other humans, and why this season of The Bachelor is truly the most puzzling at all. Who is more confused - the producers or Pete? Perhaps most importantly, John has shaved his beard and now has just a mustache, and Kelsey is scarred for life.  

Marriage Topic 

We are realizing: a healthy routine is crucial to the success of our marriage. A coffee tastes better when we can drink it together while watching the morning news together (ok, boomer). You can't be a night owl and an early riser at the same time. Working out and packing our lunches saves us money and makes us more responsible humans.



We discuss: why we love the new rules of the NBA All Star Game. Why we think the cheaters in the MLB should be penalized, not the retaliators (even though BOTH are wrong). Why Tom Brady isn't going to go to the Cowboys, but why it would be a beautiful thing for our marriage if he did.

[17:53 - 32:55]

Pop Culture 

We feel like: Netflix is having a Reality TV Moment (hello, Love Is Blind!). The Bachelor wouldn't be as good if we could binge watch it. We're very confused by Pilot Pete (and tbh he's probably confused by himself, too). Plus: John's new facial hair situation is forcing Kelsey to wear a blindfold 24/7. 

[32:56 - 41:09]