Do you give up something for lent each year? John has vivid memories of this growing up. We chose to give up white potatoes, and we had to be very specific because Johnny boy kept wanting to find loop holes. #mashedpotatoes Let us know what you're giving up so we can follow along with you! Special thanks to Jeff + Meaghan who provided us with this week's beers - an ode to our dating days and living in separate cities with a beer from Black Flag Brewing in Columbia, MD and Eastern Shore Brewing Co in Maryland. 

[00:00 - 13:00]

Lots of feel good stories in the sports world this week. NHL goalies are grabbed from the sidelines. MLB players grow up to be cowboys. Softball players are (still) badass. Also, apparently Kelsey is manifesting a scandalous occupation that involves cash raining down on her without even knowing it. Send help.

[13:01 - 24:38]

We're hooked on Love is Blind on Netflix and it has left us with many questions, perhaps the most burning one: do you let your dog drink from your glass, and then continue drinking from it? Also, we are wholeheartedly #TeamMadison on The Bachelor and hope that Peter is able to win her back. We had high hopes for Peter this season, but when he says he likes everything about Victoria (aka Vicki F) MINUS the talking and communication, we have to wonder if that accident he had with the golf cart messed with his head a little. Hard to believe we're almost to the end of this season, ya'll.

[24:39 - 41:37]