Why should you work toward believing new things? Well, it's more than making resolutions. It is about becoming your best self. In this episode, Lara shares various phrases to be mindful of when working on believing new things. 

We all have an idea of who we have been, who we currently are, and who we want to be. Tune in to this podcast episode to learn more about believing new things, how to be ok with where you are, and how to get to where you want to go. It all starts with a belief. 

"I just want you to know that right now where you are, is ok. Because the more you can feel ok with where you start, the less judgement you're going to take in to making changes about yourself." -Lara McElderry

Why should you work toward believing new things? Well, it's more than making resolutions. It is about becoming your best self. In this episode, Lara shares various phrases to be mindful of when working on believing new things. 

We all have an idea of who we have been, who we currently are, and who we want to be. Tune in to this podcast episode to learn more about believing new things, how to be ok with where you are, and how to get to where you want to go. It all starts with a belief. 

"I just want you to know that right now where you are, is ok. Because the more you can feel ok with where you start, the less judgement you're going to take in to making changes about yourself." -Lara McElderry