Episode Notes

Though a majority of U.S. medical school graduates this year will end up matching to a residency program, each year there are always a small percentage of students who unfortunately do not match.  'What if we don't match?' is a common fear among fourth year medical students and their partners because it can be a challenging and stressful experience that can leave both partners worried and anxious about the future.  In this episode, Lara will be talking with Will and Julie, a husband and wife who experienced the stress of not matching when Will finished medical school in 2013.  Will and Julie will be sharing some of their feelings about the shock and frustration that came from the experience, but also how they were able to move on and continue Will's medical career despite the setback of not matching right after medical school. 

About Will and Julie

Julie and Will Baldwin got married during the fourth year of medical school.  After not matching the first time, they moved to New Orleans to attend Tulane University for a one year master's program before starting a three year Emergency Medicine residency in Pennsylvania. The couple accepted a job in Indiana, bought a house, graduated and moved all in a seven month stretch.  Both are getting used to Will being around the house more.  Julie teaches U.S. history online, wrangles their three free-range chickens/children, writes cultural reviews and essays, and can be found asking Alexa to replay favorite songs.