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Have we slapped an expiration date on the institution of marriage without even realizing it? Tackling the weighty question of matrimonial relevance, this episode wades into the perspectives of young adults who label marriage as passé and scrutinizes the significance of lifelong vows amidst the backdrop of soaring divorce rates. As your hosts, we don't shy away from the tough topics. We return from a week-long hiatus, a sabbatical spent nurturing our own marital bonds, only to find ourselves fueled by your compelling stories and geared up to dissect the green-eyed monster that haunts many a relationship: jealousy.

What happens when ancient scripture gets a fresh coat of Gen Z lingo? We're spinning the biblical tale of Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood into a narrative that resonates with the emoji generation, unfolding it in a way that speaks to the contemporary soul. No stone is left unturned as we ponder Jesus's possible penchant for humor and the emotional turmoil of biblical characters thrust into modern-day scenarios. This isn't your traditional Sunday school lesson; it's a lively exchange designed to make ancient wisdom echo in the halls of the 21st century.

Finally, we bear our souls on the infamous topic of jealousy in marriage. From the perceived threats posed by pornography to the thorny admission of attractions beyond the marital bed, we broach the conversations that many might shy away from. It's about laying the groundwork for trust and strengthening ties with your significant other, because at the end of the day, it's transparency that fortifies a partnership. With a closing prayer for all those navigating the stormy seas of marriage, we're here to remind you that even the most turbulent waters can lead to a harbor of togetherness and healing. Join us as we journey through these intimate confessions and collective experiences, seeking the light of understanding and the warmth of shared human connection. Amen.