What does it take to choose authenticity over just “fitting in”? 

I know it can be a huge challenge, so in this episode of Couch Time, I want to wrestle this topic with you and help you find the courage just to be yourself amidst the expectations of those around you. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

3:36 - The truth about my own struggles to show up authentically7:21 - What I learned about trying to fit the mold that society expects me to9:38 - This is the true cost of putting aside your true self 10:10 - The hard questions you have to ask yourself if you want to live in your truth11:18 - Here’s how to do an alignment check to see if you’re in check

It’s time to let go of societal expectations and embrace authenticity. Tune in to learn how! 

Show notes available at http://amywine.com/episode111

Resources Mentioned:
Join the waitlist for the Awaken Me Journey: https://awakenmejourney.com/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=show-notes&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=couch-time
Get your Core Values Exercise:  https://amywine.com/values?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=show-notes&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=couch-time

I would love to connect on Facebook: http://facebook.com/amywineco and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amywineco!

Awaken: A Journey to Finding You waitlist (awakenmejourney.com)

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