In This Episode, You Will Learn:

How to uniquely invite your spouse in ways that speak to them. How my husband Mike and I have made each other feel welcome in new rooms! Benefits of going to events and masterminds separately AND together. Tips for how men and women like to be invited to grow.

Resources + Links:


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Show Notes:

How can I get my partner to want to grow with me? I’ve heard this question so many times as I’ve gone to events and masterminds. There is so much power that comes from putting yourself in a room with other people that have the same desire to grow. When I hear people say they wish their spouse was interested in going to events, what I see is someone who wants to go after goals with their spouse as a team, and support them in what they want to create in their life! As someone who has been the one to invite others into new rooms, and having been invited by my husband Mike I know it can be intimidating. In this episode, I’m sharing things both of us do to support each other as we step into new rooms and create new relationships. You’ll also get some tips on how men and women uniquely like to be supported and invited to new adventures!


01:15 How can I join the Next Level Couples Mastermind?

03:30 How do I get my spouse to want to come to events and grow with me?

06:00 Ways you can invite your spouse to feel more comfortable walking into new rooms.

09:40 Creating adventure in your relationship by doing something new and going out of your comfort zone together.

13:00 My own lessons of going to a couples goal setting retreat.

14:30 Ways to meet your partner where they are, help them feel seen, and support them!