Previous Episode: Being On The Same Page
Next Episode: What's Your Number?

Welcome back and Happy Holidays!

This week on the pod we are talking "ROMANCE".

We felt that this is probably a topic that most of us need to work on. So, why not talk it out on an episode to get our thoughts, tips, and perspective on the subject out to the world. More importantly though, get our actions on the subject rolling so our wives can be the benefactors.

Some Ideas:
Writing letters, flowers, reading together, other joint activities, date night

What you may notice is not every idea has to be like the movies and break the bank.


We hope you enjoy!

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Let us know if you would like to be a guest on the show or share topic ideas

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This goes a long way to help us get our message out to more men ready to be better husbands!

Thank You,
Paul , Bryan and Harlan