Jessie admits her anxiety around family holiday dinners + Gerard begins to realize that both Peppers have far too much on their plates.

Don’t forget that we’ll send you a letterpress print when you post a photo to social media with the tags @meetthepeppers / #marriageisfunny but just make sure to send us the screenshot before the end of 2017!

Ps. - Want to come on vacation with us? We’re headed to Mexico with some of our favorite listeners, and you can find all the info at!


Jessie is still perplexed about the confusion around her dietary restrictions. Listen back to Episode 6 for a funny example of the last misunderstanding.

We’ve spoken before about feeling like a guest at your in-laws house, but Gerard explains that he sometimes has to hang back in order to make it work.

Jessie’s famous healthy lasagna recipe is really just a mashup of the following: eggplant “noodles”, tomato sauce, your cheese of choice, cooked spinach, black olives, artichoke hearts, and plenty of herbs/spices. Bake for 45 mins at 375 degrees and sprinkle with parm + crushed red peppers.

Listen to this refresher of our Epiphany set up back in Episode 21.

Jessie makes this sugar-free version of cranberry sauce every year for Thanksgiving... There is still a large leftover vat in our fridge, but she’s somehow convinced that it was a huge hit.

If you’re curious about the house church movement that our community is following, feel free to check out the book Multiply by Francis Chan.