Download The Video Checklist Share0 Share +10 Tweet0 Running a practice isn’t easy - there’s so much to do and its easy to get overwhelmed. In this episode Tony and Angus chatted with Productivity expert and High Performance Coach Mark Dobson about what it takes to run an efficient and effective health business and life. […]

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Running a practice isn’t easy - there’s so much to do and its easy to get overwhelmed. In this episode Tony and Angus chatted with Productivity expert and High Performance Coach Mark Dobson about what it takes to run an efficient and effective health business and life. You’ll love Mark’s examples of how we tend to make it so much harder than it needs to be. Having coached elite performers, Olympic athletes and business owners across the world you’ll get loads out of this interview. 

In this episode you’ll learn:

- A way to think about your vision that has you moving in the right direction.

- The difference between busy and productive and why you need to understand this.

- What Mark has learned from elite athletes that can help you run a more profitable practice.

- and lots, lots more.

Mark Dobson

I didn’t always advise the big guys. And I wasn’t always about ‘talent’.

When I was a kid I ran the local youth club. Typically a good youth club had about 30 kids regularly attending, but I grew ours to about 200 kids regularly attending. The whole thing just made sense to me – just remember every kid’s name and give them an experience they can’t get anywhere else, and they will keep coming. And they did.

For the next 12 years I ran programs for teens all around the world, and on the journey was acknowledged in my field. But any time I was amongst a business community, my skill-set was dismissed. I got put in the ‘youth worker’ category. Then one day, a junior swimmer asked if I thought I could help her swim faster. I said ‘definitely’ and for 20 minutes workshopped her through some strategies. Two weeks later she broke two state records and went on to set five world records.

After that, coaches started to call me. Then businesses started to call me. Then the project I had worked on years ago in New York, finally matured and President Obama acknowledged its innovation and success in a speech.

And now, years later, I am still doing what I have always done, but it’s now across business, sport and education. And that is to help people grow into exactly who they are, and into being that perfectly.
