If your business involves teaching or training, then you are in a good position to create "knowledge products" out of your expertise. Whether you sell these "outputs" or use them for customer acquisition, a little planning up front can help you work towards something bigger in your content strategy.
The post Productizing Your Knowledge appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

Part 9: Starting a Business Series (A Case Example)

If your business involves teaching or training, then you are in a good position to create “knowledge products” out of your expertise. That could come in the form of a book, an online course, or many other formats. You can use this packaged information in a variety of ways:

Educate your potential customers about your sector so they understand the landscape.
Teach them how to evaluate their specific needs and criteria for the solution.
Build trust in the process, showcasing your domain expertise.
Create something that you can actually sell to paying customers.

Whether you sell it or give it away, productizing your knowledge can help multiply your efforts and allow you to serve more people. A smart content strategy takes this into account from the start. Episode 130 is about how to plan early to work towards the next level of your business.

Show Notes

From blogging to building an online course, it’s important to keep in mind that Content Strategy Is Teaching:

Producing Content to Educate Your Customers
The Four Principles of Teaching Your Customers

My Blog-to-Book Process: The Upstream Method. Here’s a little more detail on the content audit process, along with a screenshot walkthrough.
You don’t have to produce a book in order to productize your knowledge. Here are some considerations to help you decide: Should Writing a Book Be a Part of Your Content Strategy?
In the episode, I talked about using a podcast to work towards an online course: Repurposing Content to Create an Online Course. Here’s the complete series so you can get more efficient in your reuse of content.
If you are repurposing content, you have to be safe about it: Content Syndication: Safe SEO Practices for Your Blog.

I also have video versions of the lessons in this series in the form of a free online course: How to Start a Business: A Case Example. The course comes with a bunch of free downloads and links out to other relevant resources.

I like to help. I do that for free in this podcast and my blog to help small business owners like you. If you are able, fuel my efforts with a cup of coffee. Thank you in advance!

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Published July 16, 2018 by .

The post Productizing Your Knowledge appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.