One of my favorite quotes is, "If you're not measuring, you're not marketing." This has never been more true than it is today. What worked yesterday is not guaranteed to work tomorrow. Learn, measure, and iterate so that you can continue to optimize your marketing efforts.
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Measure, Learn, Iterate So You Can Optimize

Marketing is about communication. It involves a lot of creativity, which is what I love about it and the fact that if you’re a good writer, you have half the skills you need to be good at content marketing.

The other side of marketing is about data. It’s about measuring the effect of your efforts in a controlled, unbiased way. One of my favorite quotes is:

If you’re not measuring, you’re not marketing.

– Dan Taylor, A Case for Analytics on The Next Web

The best marketers are the ones who see both sides of the equation the art and science. This week’s episode is about how you can adopt what I call an “experimental mindset” in your own marketing so that you can get better and better at it. I cover:

How having an experimental mindset can help you optimize your marketing activities so you can spend more time on your business itself.
What factors should you be measuring? For instance, metrics about your website interactions, email campaigns, or social activity?
What types of results or indicators are you looking for? Impressions, interactions, social shares, comments, or something else?
The importance of accepting that your assumptions may be wrong, so you can make adjustments.

Listen to Episode 104 here or subscribe in iTunes.

Show Notes

Here are links to the articles I mentioned in the episode:

The concept of “vanity metrics” comes from Eric Ries in his amazing book, The Lean Startup (Amazon affiliate link), urging you to look at the things that actually move the needle on your business goals.

Facebook: Love it or hate it, you probably need it for your business. I have some clients who rock it, and others for whom it’s a wasteland. Let me help you determine if it’s right for you or not. I devoted a whole episode on the considerations for Facebook Business Pages.

Next week I want to get into your social strategy. My working title for next week’s episode is “Social Media Can’t Exist in a Vacuum,” and the sentiment is that social media isn’t worth anything if it’s not a part of a complete content strategy.

Subscribe here (and select podcast / every new post) if you want me to let you know when it’s published.

If you want to work with me one-on-one, please contact me directly here. I’ll have a slot or two opening in November.

Published August 14, 2017 by .

The post Marketing and the Experimental Mindset appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.