If you hire an outside agency or freelancer to create or publish content, are they up on how to manage and protect your IP? Here's a cautionary tale that comes up far too frequently in my work with clients.
The post Maintaining Control of Your IP appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

Your intellectual property is a business asset. You need to have full control of your IP, yet many freelancers are careless when it comes to managing this for their clients.

Links from the episode:

The series of singles: https://michaelboezi.com/singles
Available on: SpotifyApple, YouTubeAmazon, Bandcamp, etc.

Other links:

The Importance of the IP Clause in WFH Contracts (Episode 112)
Subscribe to the music side of me: https://michaelboezi.com/subscribe
Exclusives and early access for patrons: https://patreon.com/mboezi

Published August 29, 2022 by

The post Maintaining Control of Your IP appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.