The pandemic is having a huge impact on small businesses, including my own. Here are a few specific strategies to weather a prolonged downturn, and an offer to use what expertise and experience I have to help you directly, one-to-one, for free.
The post How Small Businesses Can Survive the Coronavirus Crisis appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

This special episode is about coping with the coronavirus outbreak specifically for small businesses, solo businesses, freelancers, and creatives. I offer a few particular strategies that might help small businesses survive a prolonged downturn, and make an offer to help people directly with a free strategy session to get set up and running.

Listen to Episode 169 here or in your favorite pod player, or see more details about the strategies and my offer below.

Show Notes / Links from the Episode

Here are the strategies I outlined in the episode. I recognize that they may not fit the parameters of all small businesses, but hopefully they help give you some ideas of what you can do to adjust to the negative impacts of the coronavirus.

1. Move more of your business online.

Set up multiple ways to take secure payment: Stripe, Paypal, Venmo, or CashApp.

2. Set up a Patreon page.

This strategy is best for writers, musicians, artists, and podcasters anyone who is producing regular content. Set up tiers for supporters. See my Patreon page for example:

3. Set up a Medium publication.

This strategy is best for writers of all types, including journalists get paid for to blog. See mine for example:

I’ve produced a few episodes about Medium, if you want to learn more:

Medium for Business: The Benefits of Social Blogging
A New Direction for Medium: Can Ev Williams Save the Web?
How to Syndicate Content Safely on Medium

4. Set up a Substack newsletter.

This strategy is best for writers of any type get paid to produce a newsletter. See mine for example:

Get Free Help: Schedule a Free Session

To help you weather the pain of lost business during coronavirus outbreak, I am offering a free session to any small business, freelancer, solo entrepreneur, and creatives of all types. We can go over a basic transition strategy, or I’ll help walk you through how to set up any of the above strategies. There is no catch, no obligation, and no guarantee of success just a boost to get you up and running and hopefully better-positioned for the future.

To schedule a free strategy session with me (via Zoom), just ask:

Email (directly or via the contact form)
In the comments section below

I want to help as many of you as I can, and I will try my best to schedule in as many sessions as I can reasonably manage. I’ll need to reserve the right to stop this offer when, I get busy again with regular work.

Stay safe and continue to take all the necessary precautions to keep your loved ones and your community safe. Thank you.

Published March 16, 2020 by

The post How Small Businesses Can Survive the Coronavirus Crisis appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

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