In the season premiere of Marketing Without the Marketing, we jump right into how the upcoming Facebook algorithm change is going to affect YOU as a small business owner. There are 3 big ramifications, and 3 things you can do to prepare yourself.
The post Facebook Zero: What It Means for Small Businesses appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

Facebook’s algorithm is undergoing a big change in the coming months, and it’s predicted to have a big impact on companies who rely on the platform particularly small businesses. Why are they doing this?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg issued a “personal challenge” on January 4:

“Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it’s protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.”

Given all the well-documented issues with Facebook particularly over the past year or so  these goals are a step in the right direction. Though Zuckerberg has been short on detail (see his complete statement at the end of this post), it seems that he’s committed to at least doing something to “fix” Facebook.

In the season premiere of Marketing Without the Marketing, we jump right into how these changes are going to affect YOU as a small business owner:

3 direct ramifications of the new algorithm change
3 things you can do to gird against these changes

Listen to the episode here or subscribe in iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

Show Notes

In the new season, I have 2 series that are in development:

Starting a Business: A Case Example, where I pull back the curtain on my own business to help those who are just starting out (or thinking of taking the plunge).
SEO for Small Business, a detailed look at SEO and my particular approach to it.

Subscribe here and I’ll send you a quick email reminder when they’re ready.

Here are links to the articles I mentioned in the episode:

As I previewed in “Facebook Is Headed for Trouble,” Facebook was testing some new changes outside the U.S. in late 2017, and now they’ve enacted these changes.
Aside from the trolls, fake accounts, Russian ads, and other misinformation, the “core focus” of Facebook’s response seems to be their acknowledgement of the research “that there's a direct connection between Facebook use and negative psychological impacts.” Quoting from an article that I reference in the episode, The Pros and Cons of Facebook’s Coming News Feed Changes – from a Page Perspective.
My personal response is to use Facebook less. I published my detailed reasons why in a piece called Facebook Is Not the Place for Politics.

Despite all this well-intentioned effort, I think that Zuckerberg’s plan is doomed to fail. I’ll get into my 5 reasons why in the next episode.

Here’s his complete January 4th statement if you’d like to read it:

I like to help. I do that for free in my podcast and blog to help small business owners of all types, including writers, musicians, and other creatives. If you are able, fuel my efforts with a cup of coffee!

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I also offer inexpensive help in my online course, and private one-on-one training too.

Published February 5, 2018 by .

The post Facebook Zero: What It Means for Small Businesses appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.