In short, running a good content strategy is a huge time investment. It takes a lot of effort, and let's face it - it takes a long time to start seeing results. The only way to make it worth it is to treat everything you produce as if it's a renewable asset.
The post Creating Content as a Business Asset appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

This week’s episode is a reprise of Episode 10, with a new introduction.

I’ve been talking about this concept of creating content as a business asset quite a bit over recent episodes. I thought it might be worth it to re-run my explanation, since I already had a statement about it. To quote David Byrne, “Say something once, why say it again?”

And not only is it one of my most downloaded episodes, but it’s also a great example of the concept in practice!

In short, running a good content strategy is a huge time investment. It takes a lot of effort, and let’s face it it takes a long time to start seeing results. You have to play the long game.

But look what happens when you start to think of your content as an asset to your business instead. A blog post, focused on a common customer question, saves you time the next time the question comes up. You now have your best, most articulate answer already written and ready to deploy. It’s available permanently, via one link. Done.

This should affect the way you produce content from the very start. Don’t waste your time on anything that doesn’t serve a specific business purpose. When planning your strategy, afford yourself the ability to repurpose and reuse your content. A well-planned content strategy treats everything you produce as if it’s a renewable asset. It can make you more efficient and effective because you’re (almost) always going to get more than just one use out of the content you produce.

Show Notes

For a deep dive on making multiple uses of your content, I did a whole 6-part series on the topic: Core Concepts of Content Strategy: Repurposing Content.

If you can do some planning up front and think a few steps ahead, you can save yourself valuable time while creating content as a business asset.

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Published September 5, 2017 by .

The post Creating Content as a Business Asset appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.