The COO of Media Frenzy Global offers some frank observations on the real and superficial changes in the marketing world’s push for more diverse and inclusive workplaces. 
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Hey everyone. I really enjoyed this conversation with Katie Kern who's a partner and COO of Media Frenzy Global. We talked about entrepreneurship and creating a personal brand, but it was the diversity and inclusion conversation that really resonated with me. Now, frankly, whenever I've discussed it with people in marketing, I usually get a vanilla sort of kumbaya response. Katie's narrative was very different and felt a lot more real and powerful. I'm really excited to share this episode with you. Welcome to Marketing Upheaval.

Rudy:               Welcome to Marketing Upheaval. My guest is Katie Kern, partner and COO of Media Frenzy Global, a PR and content marketing firm that's strong in the technology space. Before joining Media Frenzy, Katie owned her own lifestyle PR agency. She was selected to be part of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program to help train and support entrepreneurs. And she writes and speaks about diversity and inclusion, has won many awards. So really excited to talk to her today. Katie, thanks for joining us.

Katie Kern:        Thanks for having me.

Rudy:               The fact that you switched from fashion to technology, I thought, "Wow, those are real different." So do you see any overlaps, anything in fashion that helped you with technology?

Katie Kern:        You know what's interesting? I think technology companies want to be in the fashion industry because we're the cool kids to a certain extent, from a creativity standpoint, everyone who wants ... Everyone loves the glitz and the glamor of fashion, and they see how fashion brands actually kind of go to market once a season. It's not once a year. Most technology companies, if you think about how companies market themselves, they put together a big marketing campaign for the entire year and then go from there and kind of deploy it. Fashion, we have to be a lot more kind of on the ball thinking. Constantly all the time thinking about, okay, there’s a new collection coming out. We have to market it differently. Maybe a different demographic. You never know.

Rudy:               It’s a complete emotional sell, fashion. I’m sure there’s logic in the decisions, but it’s an art.

Katie Kern:        Well, I think the creation of fashion is an art. The selling is that there’s definitely has to be some logic there. Have to know your customer for sure. So I think they both go hand in hand. You think about Apple with a smartwatch. It’s a fashion piece. Think about Amazon, it’s the fashion platform where you actually purchase merchandise. Google, same thing. Google actually partnered with Levi’s to do a collaboration. So there’s always that crossover. And I think both industries are very much interested in one another for sure.

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