Hey everyone, this is Rudy Fernandez from Creative Outhouse. It's Thanksgiving and we know a lot of our listeners will be enjoying time with their families, or if not enjoying at least you're spending time with your families. Anyway, you can hear our next guest next week. It's Sandra Mackey, Chief Marketing Officer of Bon Secours Mercy Health, a hospital, it's in seven states. And we really get into the future of healthcare and hospital marketing. So whether you're in healthcare, marketing, or ever plan to just use our healthcare system, check it out next week. This week, it's just me with some brief comments about what we've learned. And as a switch to our regular programming. I want to talk about what hasn't changed in terms of marketing. Let's go with the theme of what we're thankful for. It's appropriate for the holiday. Welcome to Marketing Upheaval. 

You're listening to Marketing Upheaval.

A lot has changed in terms of marketing, but I'm most thankful for the one thing that hasn't changed. More on that in a few minutes. 

The first thing I'm grateful for is our guests, we released our 20th episode last week and man, we've talked about how customers have a deeper say in terms of brand, how people have lost faith in traditional institutions and why they're turning to brands to deliver their values. We talked about what's working and what isn't working in traditional PR and ad agencies. We learned about new technology and audience research. We learned about gaming music, higher education, food marketing, crisis, AI and martech, diversity and Inclusion, startups and 125 year old brands, B2B, B2C, and what happens when all these changes leave you looking for a job, and we're just getting started. So huge thanks to our guests, who have been so generous with their time and their brilliant insights. I've learned a lot from them. And if you haven't listened to all our episodes and want a little time away from your family, then go listen to some others. I guarantee you, each episode will give you something to take note of, it will open a new door in your mind. I know I'm better at my job because of our guests. 

I'm also grateful to our listeners. You know, when we started this, I admit, I had some pretty low expectations. I didn't know who was going listen to a marketing podcast. And what I'm seeing is, it's just amazing. We have listeners from around the world. Every week, we get more people subscribing, and sending us notes. It's just an extraordinary thing to see catch on and know that people are getting as much out of this as we are. You know, from what I've seen, our listeners and our guests have something in common. There are different types of people in the world. There are people who pretend to know things and maybe use jargon to hide the fact that they maybe don't know much. There are people who are afraid to ask questions because they're embarrassed because you know, you don't want to appear ignorant. Then there are other people, my people. People who don't know all the answers and there excited by that. I have a sense that our listeners fall into this group. And I know our guests do. Look at the list. They are CEOs, Presidents, CMOS, Founders - all brilliant and accomplished people. And you know what they have in common? They know a lot, because they're constantly asking questions. They're excited about the things they don't know yet.

View the rest of the transcript, images and shownotes from each episode at CreativeOuthouse.com/p

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