Sean Reid is the Founder and President of Arrowhead Coaching and Facilitation Solutions. Throughout his life, Sean has helped leaders succeed and lead. He tries to remind people that having a bit of compassion and authenticity will take you a long way as a leader. He also shares how his faith and work in the Church have made him a more compassionate person. He discusses struggles in times of crisis and how he tries to frame the situation so he can ask better questions that connect with his clients in a human way.


Key Takeaways:

[3:30] How did Sean find his path into executive coaching?

[5:40] We have a better world when we have better leaders.

[6:55] Good leaders are authentic and don’t pretend to know all the answers.

[8:15] The time Sean wrote a speech for Queen Elizabeth the Second.

[11:45] What’s the best way to structure and create thought leadership content?

[17:25] The new thing that you have to offer is you! Your perspective is unique.

[24:35] We try not to do things by accident in marketing.

[25:45] We think confident and clear thinking are soft skills, but they’re critical when having to lead in a crisis.

[31:20] Sean shares a story about how to communicate and lead your team during a crisis.

[36:45] We have a choice to respond to a situation. So, sometimes taking a step back and using a word to describe can help guide you in the right direction, especially in times of stress.

[41:15] ‘How are you really doing?’ really matters to people. Connection really matters to people.

[46:45] Sean connects with a minimum of three people a day intentionally. Someone you love, lead, and serve.

[48:05] How does Sean make time and space to create content?

[50:50] What inspired Sean to be a deacon in the Orthodox Church and what has faith taught Sean about leadership?

[56:35] What would happen if marketers put more love into the clients they’re serving and had more compassion over their struggles? How would they market differently?

[59:00] What would Sean like his legacy to be?


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