Jefferson Darrell is the Founder and CEO of Breakfast Culture, a firm that helps organizations embrace inclusion and diversity and helps them overcome any challenges they might face in the process. Although Jefferson began his career as an engineer, he found his love and passion in marketing communications and public relations. In this episode, Jefferson shares his background and how he came to be a voice and advocate in the diversity inclusion space. He breaks down what’s still needed from companies today, and how we can be an ally to others.   Key Takeaways: [1:50] How did Jefferson get involved in change culture and the work that he’s doing today? [6:15] Jefferson didn’t realize marketing was a career until he explored his love for writing in the workplace. [10:10] Jefferson shares how he first began his career in diversity and inclusion. [12:05] When you come up with a problem, you need to come up with a solution. Recognizing this, Jefferson went back to school to learn more about HR logistics.

[15:55] Why did Jefferson create his company, Breakfast Culture?

[18:50] When you break bread with different cultures, you find commonalities.

[20:50] Jefferson shares what Breakfast Culture’s brand promise is and how they help organizations better their culture to be inclusive for everyone.

[26:00] Actions speak louder than words. People notice when you’re making an effort vs. trying to hit a quota.

[30:25] When D&I is included in marketing strategy, revenue goes up. But why is that? Jefferson breaks this down.

[35:00] No matter where you come from, we do come with certain privileges that we need to be aware of.

[39:50] What works when it comes to D&I? And what doesn’t work?

[44:00] It’s not always what you do, it’s how you do it. Jefferson provides an example of what this looks like.

[50:45] Looking back, Jefferson wishes he could talk to his dad, who has now passed, and ask him some key questions and get some perspectives from him.


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