Gregor Jeffrey is a former International Defense Expert and a Communication Thought Leader. He jokes that he’s probably the only communication expert that has been fired due to poor communication skills! After getting consistent feedback throughout his career that he was a poor communicator, Gregor dedicated himself to learning what it takes to present ideas effectively and to have others trust you more efficiently. It was through this journey that Gregor discovered that we each have four different and distinct thinking preferences. He dives into what this all means on this week’s show!



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Key Takeaways:

[2:15] Why is communication so essential?

[4:05] When you’re a bad communicator, no matter how diligent or efficient you might be, people will perceive you as a sloppy worker.

[6:25] Gregor understands the struggle because he was that person not too long ago. He’s probably the only communication expert out there who had been fired from jobs due to poor communication.

[10:25] Each person has a thinking preference and these preferences tend to affect the way we communicate. Another problem is that it’s not always so obvious or apparent which of these thinking preferences people prefer.

[13:30] Most leaders are only working at a 75% effectiveness when it comes to just working with their default communication style.

[17:10] How do you create communication based on the different preferences out there?

[24:05] To make things easy, Gregor often pictures he’s talking to four different types of people. The analytical thinker, the structural thinker, the conceptual thinker, and the social thinker.

[26:40] We tend to be attracted to work that reflects our neurological preference.

[28:55] How can managers or leaders best use this knowledge and leverage in their current team structure right now?

[30:25] Leaders don’t assume that your team is distracted and not paying attention to you.

[33:05] People work very hard when they are given the freedom to work.

[34:55] We often talk too much. We give too much information. You can actually simplify your message down to a sentence and it’ll be just as effective.

[35:55] How can we adapt our communication style during the pandemic?

[38:55] When change management is stalled, it can always be traced back to poor communication. You need to go back to the drawing board and see if your communication style talked to all four thinking preferences.

[42:30] Is it true that Apple/Steve Jobs was able to target all four of these different types of thinkers in their marketing?

[46:10] How do these different communication styles apply when you’re talking with different cultures or people who speak English as a second language?

[51:50] How can we use this knowledge when trying to communicate with our children?

[56:50] What kind of legacy would Gregor like to leave behind?



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