If you’re a marketer, I’m sure you’ve heard of our guest today, Ann Handley. Ann is the Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs. She is a digital marketing pioneer, best selling author, speaker, influencer, and novice tap dancer. She inspires, engages, and educates marketers every day. As a go-to marketing maven for everyone on our Demand Spring team (not to mention the teams of our clients), we are so excited to sit down with Ann and talk about how she found her way into marketing and what keeps her interested and motivated as one of the top content marketers in the world. Stay tuned for conversations about pharmaceutical advice, how she got to where she is today, and all things content marketing.


Key Takeaways:

[1:25] Ann shares what it was like having a career as a tap dancer.

[3:20] Tap dancing really helped Ann get herself out there and be seen.

[4:15] When Ann was a young child, she decided to create a neighborhood newsletter and that was her first introduction to writing.

[9:15] How did Ann make that transition from being a very shy, introverted person to someone who now speaks on stage?

[12:00] What types of mentors has Ann had over the years?

[18:05] What inspired Ann to start her own company?

[24:20] What does Ann consider to be ‘good’ writing?

[25:40] Ann offers advice on how to track your content metrics.

[28:25] Ann loves to write. That is by far the favorite part of her career.

[29:30] Which B2B brands practice what Ann teaches?

[30:50] Where does the humor come from in Ann’s writing?

[32:55] B2B marketing used to be so dry and dull. How has the industry changed over the years?

[40:05] Why is empathy essential in marketing?

[38:45] Think about your strategy first before you work on your content.

[39:50] What advice does Ann have for young marketers?

[41:15] Where does Ann see B2B marketing headed?

[43:55] Social media hasn’t killed writing, but it has changed it.

[44:45] What’s next for Ann?


Mentioned in This Episode:



Beryl Markham



