Few things a CMO does are as important as creating or transforming a culture within their team. And yet few things are as poorly understood as how to lead cultural transformation. To learn more about it, we brought on Alexandra Morehouse.

Few people understand how to lead cultural transformation like Alexandra. She is the CMO of Banner Health and has previously served in senior marketing leadership roles for Kaiser Permanente, AAA, Charles Schwab, and American Express.


For full notes and show notes, click here: http://bit.ly/2Qujn4f Alexandra's LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/chiefmarketingofficersanfrancisco/ Banner Health: bannerhealth.com


5 Key Takeaways - Great brands are built from the inside out. If a company's employees don't believe in a brand, the market never will. - CMOs should work with heads of finance and sales to establish and reach meaningful marketing goals. - Marketing requires more quantitative skills than ever before, and that the skills needed are changing every 6-8 weeks. - One of the fastest ways to change culture is to change incentives. - "There's always push back. The only way to combat the push back is with information, research and data." - Alexandra Morehouse


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