Learn the importance of focusing on your ideal audience rather than everyone in general
Know how you can craft the perfect funnel through the right strategic approach
Understand why less is often more especially if you’re targeting the right people for your events


Want to learn how to authentically and confidently scale up your business? Click here: radical-marketing.com


Are you having trouble scaling your events that you end up losing more money?

Less is often more, especially when it comes to crafting the perfect sales funnel. More ads, many videos, and a bigger audience aren’t necessarily what’s going to get you more sales. Being specific and targeting your ideal audience can promise you better and higher ticket sales.

Terence Tam is a former University Lecturer who now has a Marketing Agency that specializes in generating leads for gurus and coaches to sell high-ticket offers.

Keep your ears open and listen to Terence’s magic as he talks about how you can generate high ticket sales without losing more money and stressing out yourself. He also shares the promising effects of ‘less is more’ by focusing more on your target audience.

Check out these episode highlights:

01:42 - Terence’s ideal client: I do claim high-level coaches with high ticket offers, and they normally sell using a one-to-many platform like webinars, challenges, workshops, and the like.
02:05 - The problem he helps solve: The main problem I solve for them is that most of the events right now are not scalable, right? They can't get enough people to their events.
02:37 - The symptoms of the problem: Getting not enough numbers, or they're actually losing money from their events, which is really sucky, right? Or they're getting people who are not the right fit for their events, and they are trying so hard to sell them that, "Hey, this is right for you."
04:25 - Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Terence: They think they need to do more ads, videos, courses, and events. But when you take a strategic approach, you actually can do less and achieve more.
06:03 - Terence’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): A top tip I would give them is that they need to just focus on stripping away stuff, like I just mentioned, and focusing on really the ideal customer that they really want to target.
07:07 - Terence’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn how to authentically and confidently scale up your business? Click here: radical-marketing.com
08:02 - A: Coaches need to be innovative and be willing to change like three years ago when the pandemic first hit. Webinars were a thing but today, maybe other things challenges could be workshops, etc.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Focus on the ideal customer, the ideal customer avatar, and that will make your return on ad spend just go through the roof.” -Terence TamClick To Tweet

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I'm Tom Poland beaming out to you from the sunny Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Terence Tam. Terence, I know you've been Down Under. You're a former university lecturer at Griffith University, I think here, in Queensland.

Terence Tam 00:26
Yes. That's right!

Tom Poland 00:26
A very warm welcome, sir! Where are you hanging out at the moment?

Terence Tam 00:29
Well, I'm hanging out there in Sabah in a place, which is near to the Philippines on the big island of Borneo, which is right next to a country that I think everybody knows, which is Brunei. So it's kind of like the digital nomad lifestyle, right? I lived in Australia for 20 years,