This week’s episode is all about getting stuff done! I will be sharing with you planning, productivity and getting into a routine so that you work more efficiently and get more done!

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTNot every tool or technique will work for you, you have to find which one suits you best.Having a routine to your day really helps in terms of productivity.It is good to review your previous week so you can see what you achieved and what you can improve.The best thing to do is to be honest with yourself and hold yourself accountable.Be realistic about what you can achieve in your week, considering how much time you actually have.Planning your week ahead will help you to set realistic goals.Set your intentions for the day when you wake up.Try to think about your long term goals and envisage them.Journaling is great for thinking about how you feel and looking at it in a different way.A morning ritual is something you do before starting work.Try to plan out your day in 30 minute or hourly slots – be realistic.One touch process – if you pick something up, you don’t put it down until you have dealt with it.Try to put your phone on silent and be strict with yourself so you don’t get distracted.Batch your content so you are focused on one thing at a time – your headspace will work better.Start your next day’s “to do” list the day before.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…It does feel as though the majority of this year has been a little written off, but that doesn’t mean we have to write off the next few months. We just need to get back on it, get focused again and get this work done!HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN’T MISSGetting ready for the week ahead – 07:25Setting your big 3 goals for the week – 11:57Planning your day – 15:16

Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt’s Full Focus Planner

5am Club Book

Miracle Morning Book

Morning Routine Podcast

Mary Hyatt YouTube for Meditation

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