In this week’s episode I have the very lovely Ben Bellamy. Ben is a WordPress website creator who designs creative and modern websites for entrepreneurs. We talk all about websites, the key things you might be missing out on and how to convert prospects to customers.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTYour website is your digital shop front.Don’t just rely on social media for your business, you need to utilise your website too.By having a website, you can attract customers from Google.Every service you offer should have a sales page – by the time someone reaches the end of that page, they should want to buy.Writing about ourselves is difficult, so it may be worth hiring a copywriter.Before working with a website creator, try to collate all the content so they can understand what you want to include on your website.Your website needs to incorporate your target customer, as well as you and your brand.Your website imagery is so important – work with a brand photographer that will represent you and hit your target audience.Give your audience a free opt in to grow your mailing list – share on your website to promote them.Add your awards, badges and social proof to your website – this builds trust.Make sure you include some testimonials on your website – this increases trust and customer belief in you.Website speed is SO important – it needs to be as fast as you can make it. Reduce file sizes of images and don’t use too many plugins.Show examples of your work on your website – give customers an idea of the amazing stuff you have done.Link to valuable resources on your website – shout about all the amazing tools you use and recommend – this shows that you know what you are talking about.‘About’ pages on websites are one of the most visited – make sure yours has photos of you and it is personal.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…It is so important to not just rely on social media for your business, you need a website where you can talk about you, your brand and attract those all important customers.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSAn introduction to Ben 09:02Do I need a website? 09:37Brand disconnect 12:28The process of working with a website creator 18:35Working with WordPress 29:20Benefits of hiring a website creator 30:12The 90 day programme – Ben’s experience 39:05Website tips for converting your audience to customers 42:58

Review my podcast

Ben’s Website

Winning website formula that converts your audience in to customers download

90 Day Full Focus Academy

My Brand New Website!

Elementor Pro

Sales Page Download

Transcript below


Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you doing on this very fine day? You know what you think at episode 132, having done this once or twice before that I would have the intro.

So totally so not now, but I totally don't. Every time I start, this is about the fourth attempt I've made at doing this intro because it's really weird, but I hate doing that first bit. And then once I start and start...

In this week’s episode I have the very lovely Ben Bellamy. Ben is a WordPress website creator who designs creative and modern websites for entrepreneurs. We talk all about websites, the key things you might be missing out on and how to convert prospects to customers.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTYour website is your digital shop front.Don’t just rely on social media for your business, you need to utilise your website too.By having a website, you can attract customers from Google.Every service you offer should have a sales page – by the time someone reaches the end of that page, they should want to buy.Writing about ourselves is difficult, so it may be worth hiring a copywriter.Before working with a website creator, try to collate all the content so they can understand what you want to include on your website.Your website needs to incorporate your target customer, as well as you and your brand.Your website imagery is so important – work with a brand photographer that will represent you and hit your target audience.Give your audience a free opt in to grow your mailing list – share on your website to promote them.Add your awards, badges and social proof to your website – this builds trust.Make sure you include some testimonials on your website – this increases trust and customer belief in you.Website speed is SO important – it needs to be as fast as you can make it. Reduce file sizes of images and don’t use too many plugins.Show examples of your work on your website – give customers an idea of the amazing stuff you have done.Link to valuable resources on your website – shout about all the amazing tools you use and recommend – this shows that you know what you are talking about.‘About’ pages on websites are one of the most visited – make sure yours has photos of you and it is personal.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…It is so important to not just rely on social media for your business, you need a website where you can talk about you, your brand and attract those all important customers.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSAn introduction to Ben 09:02Do I need a website? 09:37Brand disconnect 12:28The process of working with a website creator 18:35Working with WordPress 29:20Benefits of hiring a website creator 30:12The 90 day programme – Ben’s experience 39:05Website tips for converting your audience to customers 42:58

Review my podcast

Ben’s Website

Winning website formula that converts your audience in to customers download

90 Day Full Focus Academy

My Brand New Website!

Elementor Pro

Sales Page Download

Transcript below


Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you doing on this very fine day? You know what you think at episode 132, having done this once or twice before that I would have the intro.

So totally so not now, but I totally don't. Every time I start, this is about the fourth attempt I've made at doing this intro because it's really weird, but I hate doing that first bit. And then once I start and start talking, that's it. Then I can talk with Britain, not a problem, but yeah, that first bit always gets me.

So couple of things I need to update you on. First thing is. And I don't ask very often and I'm hoping you'll be very kind to me. That's I'm just going to ask you straight out. If you haven't yet reviewed the podcast or subscribed, or it's your first time, then please, please, please. Could you go over to iTunes?

And what you have to do is you have to find the podcast either by my name or Marketing That Converts. You click on the podcast and they have to scroll to the bottom of that page on your phone. And then that's where the reviews will be. And you hit five stars and then you add a comment and you write what you think of the podcast.

I'd be so very grateful if you did that. Had a dream last night, actually that someone gave me a one star. And I think it was because I gave a wine a one star and the owner came back to ask me, why would you have felt really bad about it actually, but I just didn't like it. Anyway um, maybe I have another one star in the podcast I need to check mine. But yes, if you wouldn't mind, that would be amazing only because obviously the promotion of the podcast is actually a really hard thing to promote as in, a podcast is like not an easy thing to advertise and get people immediately signing up and listening. So the reviews really help my rankings and obviously the rankings help when people are looking for a marketing podcast. So if you do enjoy it and you don't mind spending three minutes today doing something for me.

I would appreciate that. So very, very much. Thank you. Okay. The next update, before we get on today's interview, which is good one, um, is that my 90 day program is reopening in September. Now, if you don't know what the 90 day program is, let me explain. So the 90 day program is for very go getting ambitious entrepreneurs, business owners that want to take their business forward fast.

So you've got an idea in your head or you're going to do a launch or you've just created something or you want to create something and you need to really step up and take the next level in your business. So you might have already been part of a membership. You might have already downloaded some courses and you know what, it's just not moving fast enough.

And I can tell you absolutely a hundred percent why there's no accountability. So I have been in many group programs, I've been in amazing group programs with huge, huge people. As I've talked about many, a time on the podcast, I have paid lots and lots of money to do these things, but they were group programs and therefore I wasn't held accountable enough and being like a petulant child that sometimes I am. I just didn't do the work, which obviously there, that is not a smart move Teresa. You just spent all this money and maybe you didn't do the work cause you shouldn't have done. Anyway the only person I consistently show up for, to do with my own stuff is my coach Mary. Because Mary sets me work and I don't want to let her down. So I've been running a 90 day program now for probably the last six months.

And I have had lots and lots of amazing business owners and entrepreneurs going through it. So people who have done their first ever launch of their membership, and crushed it like hundreds of members. People who have literally had an idea and we've got it off the ground and launched it and sold it and they've got people in their programs. People who needed to stop consistent content and through the support of the 90 day program, they managed to create a podcast and start a new podcast. So this is really for people who are ready to take the next level. And the cost for this is higher than my Academy way higher than the Academy. Because part of the 90 day program is you get to be in a very small group of people. So no more than 10 in any one 90 day program.

And then you get one-to-one calls with me as part of that program. So, if you are interested, if you think this is something that you might want to do. The cost of this is $2,500. Okay. And this is only going to be for this one program. And for a matter of days, that it's going to be this cost because the cost is going to go up.

But if you think you are ready to take the next step. If you're scared that $2,500 scares you, good! Because honestly, I only do stuff where I've put skin in the game, money on the table. Cause then I make sure I do the work. So if you're interested head over to not days, day.

Okay. And there is a option to join the waiting list. And as soon as I open the doors and have my next intake of 90 day students, then you will be the first to know. And like I said, if the price scares you, good. I want people who are going to commit and do the work. I want people who are sat there thinking I've got an amazing product or service.

Why is no one buying it? Why can't I get in front of my customers? Why did the ads not work? Why is it that people aren't opting into my lead magnet? So if you're sat there thinking that's me, then this is absolutely for you. Okay on with today's interview. So last week I shared the news that I had got a new website and I had worked with one of my amazing Academy members who is also a 90 day member.

And he has helped design and create my new website, which I love. So if you haven't checked it out, do you go check it out. But I thought it would be great to have him on just to give some advice about sites. About some of those key things that you might be missing out on in terms of getting your customers who are viewing the site to actually convert, to become customers.

Did I say customers to convert, to become customers? If I may, if I said that I meant prospects, you know, I meant, okay. So today I interviewed the lovely Ben Bellamy. Do you know what? I've just tried to read his bio twice, I messed it every time I hate reading on the podcast. Let me try again. He's a WordPress, a website creator who designs creative and modern websites for entrepreneurs who wants to raise their revenue and create customers. Ben is the range of talented business owners on their websites. And in turn has helped them transform their brands to position them as experts in that respective industry. There we go. Finally got it out. Ben was at absolute pleasure to work with. He really did understand what I wanted from a website. And I'm really happy to welcome him onto the podcast to give you some practical takeaway things that you can do for your website to ensure that it is converting those prospects into customers. So here is today's interview.

So I am very excited today to welcome the very lovely Ben Bellamy to the podcast. Welcome Ben!

Thank you for having me.

My pleasure. We're laughing because I just really messed up and we just have to start again. And I said, not a word. So we deleted that so we could spare your ears of my bad language.

So, Ben it's on the podcast today because as I said in the intro, I have been working with Ben to create my brand new site, which I told you about last week. And I just thought it would be great to get Ben on because I know that, and as I don't talk about it very often, but once sites are crazy, crazy important.

And I actually, when I was doing the site and when I approached Ben and said, you know what, let's, let's bring you on, have a chat with, with each other about it. I've thought to myself, God there's hardly any episodes that really address websites. So I'm really, really excited about today. But Ben let's start off as I always do.

And, you know, cause you listen to the podcast and introduce yourself to my audience and let them know how you got doing what you're doing today.

So, um, so my name is Ben. Uh, I am a WordPress website designer. I work with entrepreneurs all around the world, helping them with their websites and in turn, helping them raise their revenue and create


Fab! And you

did it so very succinctly.

So obviously in the days of social media that we are in now, when I first started marketing, which is a really long time ago. I remember people saying to me, do we really need a website? And it was like, yeah, she really do. And now we get, well, we did used to get the, do I really need social media? Yes, you do.

But it's almost had a really. All this amazing tech and this amazing social media, we've got now. I think has almost had a negative effect on sites and the fact that people maybe think they don't need them anymore. Do you think that's the case?

Yes, absolutely. It's the same principle, as we're told to build our mailing list because we don't own our own social media.

And so, um, for that fact, we should also very much be paying attention to our websites. Um, we shouldn't just rely on having social media. Our websites are our digital shopfront. It's where it's the best one, the best tools that we have within our sales kits. So we should be utilizing our websites. And not only that, but to attract people through Google as well.

Um, if that's relevant to your business is also really good customer stream. Um, so we kind of do, I think definitely at the moment, there's a lot of heavy focus on spending time on social media. Um, and I think, I think we definitely have to consider our websites as well.

Yeah, absolutely. And I think you just had a couple of things there by it's your shopfront and, and it absolutely is.

And you know what, prior to COVID I would have said to some people, "Well, actually you can get away with it because you physically have a shopfront." Or that's not the way people find you or look for you or whatever. But the truth is now, everybody is online, whether they think they're an online business or not, they need an online presence.

And especially what COVID has taught us is we have to be flexible and quickly jump online and change things and move things or whatever. And interestingly enough, on, I don't know whether you saw this in your business, but I know for sure it happened with lots of people that I spoke to. They went back to their web developers at that point and went, "Oh, I need to change this.

I need to add this. I need to move this. I need to", did you get much of that? When that happened?

Massively! Over the last four or five months, I've spoken to so many different business owners who, um, a lot of them for the most part have never done any kind of form of social media. Um, lots didn't have a website. And, most people were relying on word of mouth, recommendations and regular customers. And then of course lockdown happens. It gets to the point of thinking, "Oh, my customers stream has suddenly disappeared. I need to start thinking about my digital presence and so very much so I had a lot a loss of that."

Yeah, and I did, I saw it lots and I saw people adding e-commerce parts on their site payments.

And that's sort of thing because they never had it before. But for me, and the reason I want to do this episode so much is one, we've got some great tips later for a winning formula to convert people from just kind of visiting our site to actual customers, which is great. And Ben's going to talk us through that, but I've always been a big advocate for having a good site. Because obviously inevitably, one of the first things people do is they'll Google you. And even if they find you through a social media platform, that the chances are they're going to go and look at your site. And for me, it was so important that it looked good. That it represented me well. I didn't want someone to go to a site and think, "Oh, Like she doesn't know what she's talking about" and granted I'm in this space, so it'd be pretty awful if I didn't have a nice site. But I know I've gone to websites and I've been totally put off.

They could be the best company in the world. And I take one, look at their site. It's either out a day. It doesn't work properly. Links are broken, all these kinds of things that really affect how good a site is. And I've immediately thought, no, I'm not signing for that. And you're gonna see that all the time.

Yeah, absolutely. I see a lot of disconnect between people's lovely Instagram pages and it's all very well curated. They've got that brand coloring their fonts. Everything's really nice and pretty. Um, and then you go to their website or even sometimes I will say people's landing pages. If they necessarily don't use the website, maybe they use a landing page tool.

Um, there's a big brand disconnect. And so that really impacts the customer journey. Um, especially as people will follow you on social media to spend time with you there.


when they actually want to buy from you, chances are they're going to be looking at your website and they're going to come back and look at your website, and then they're going to look again.

And so it's really important that probably the same amount of time you're putting into social media, you should really be looking and putting time into your website. I've known some business owners who will launch their website and then it will sit there for maybe one, two years and they do nothing with it.

And it's a living, breathing thing. Really. You have to take care of it.

You know what? I'm so glad you brought that up. Cause when I was about to go, obviously I've sat here. Like yeah, I've got my lovely, shiny new website. It's so beautiful, looking after it for me. But the truth was when Ben came well, when we started working together, when I spoke to Ben.

My site was sat doing nothing for about two years and it was a beautiful site. And then funny thing, I always got my compliments on it, even up to like the last few months. But it didn't, it didn't work. It didn't represent me anymore. And that's again, like the other thing. Cause Ben and I have this discussion about, cause the other thing that I need to tell you is that Ben's in the 90 day program with me and we'll talk a bit about that as well.

But so in our discussions in the 90 day program, we talk about the fact of people will see Ben's role and Ben's business as a project. Right? As I did okay. I saw my website as "I need a new website. Let's just get this product done. Website's live projects done." Don't you think about it anymore? And obviously that's the problem.

That's why two years down the line, I've got a website that doesn't represent me and who I am right now that doesn't show me off in the best light. But I look at it and I kind of cringe because I've just paid no attention to it. And actually, Ben is working hard to reeducate me and in turn were looking at how Ben's business can reeducate lots of business owners to say, like you said, that the site is a living breathing thing.

And actually it belongs to us, it's very static. And when you do look at how much effort people put into their Instagram, and so creating content, actually the site gets forgotten about, and it really, really


Yeah, absolutely. Um, it's so important. Uh, and I think that people would be surprised actually, when you look at revenue, how much extra money they would make, if they invested some time and a bit of money into their website. Um, I think people would be really surprised at what they could have, what they could achieve.

Hmm. And one thing I want to say as well is that, you know, the listeners know that I use landing pages, okay. So when you go and check out the Academy, that's a landing page. When you, when you go and get one of my downloads, that's the landing page. Also, I'm really heavy on social media. So you might sit there and want to look at my website.

That's by the way, it's...