Brain food, what food can help you with your studies. We’ll find out later, but first, lets find out what being a virtual assistant is all about as we chat to Louisa van Vessem, who is the owner and VA for Workflow Virtual Assistant. Louisa’s mantra is to run straight ahead at those things that put fear into you. Scared of heights? Why not do a skydive? Introverted and don’t like talking to crowds – do a podcast or stand up on stage! That’s why in this episode Louisa talks about Time Terrorists and Money Laundering, oh and also all things VA.



- A Virtual Assistants (VA’s) job can vary massively from admin tasks to web design. They can even be used as a sounding board – so getting the right fit with a client is hugely important for Louisa, which is great to hear as this means all of her clients will be as much of a great fit for her as Louisa is for them, win / win.

- Admin tasks have changed. We are taking on more and more without the increase of any time (we all still have 24 hours in a day), which can lead to mistakes and missed elements as we can be so focussed on other areas, be it in a business or working on our own thing.

What tasks are critical and are your sweet spot and which should be pushed down the pecking order? Consider this when doing your research and studies.

- Take note of Louisa’s tips for that work-life-study balance and how to stay organised:

- Breakdown your tasks into small bites sized chunks

- Consider using an online project management tool such as Asana

- Don't be afraid to ask for help – and that means your tutors and peers

- Set deadline dates and work out what is essential, cutting out the crap

- Take breaks – we’ve cover it in previous episodes, make sure you take heed as it is as important as the hours you are putting in


Top Tip – Brain Food

If you want to optimise your chances of passing a Marketing qualification, nutrition during studying can play a larger part than you think. Keeping healthy isn’t only good for your…. Health, but also your brain power.

Here is a list of those ‘super brain foods’ courtesy of the BBC Good Food:

Wholegrains – For concentration

Oily Fish – Healthy brain function

Blueberries – Boosts short term memory



Blackcurrants – Reduce anxiety and stress

Pumpkin Seeds – Boost your mood

Broccoli – Improve brainpower

Sage – Boost memory

Nuts – Protect brain function


Happy Marketing Everyone! Peter (@mktstudylab) Music Featured on this Podcast: Sleepy in the Garden Lobo Loco Creative Commons License

LinksLouisa van Vessem: LinkedIn: @WorkflowVA: Facebook: Insta:

Asana Project Management: Trello Project Management:


Theory:Douglas McGregor X and Y Theory:

Brain food, what food can help you with your studies. We’ll find out later, but first, lets find out what being a virtual assistant is all about as we chat to Louisa van Vessem, who is the owner and VA for Workflow Virtual Assistant. Louisa’s mantra is to run straight ahead at those things that put fear into you. Scared of heights? Why not do a skydive? Introverted and don’t like talking to crowds – do a podcast or stand up on stage! That’s why in this episode Louisa talks about Time Terrorists and Money Laundering, oh and also all things VA.



- A Virtual Assistants (VA’s) job can vary massively from admin tasks to web design. They can even be used as a sounding board – so getting the right fit with a client is hugely important for Louisa, which is great to hear as this means all of her clients will be as much of a great fit for her as Louisa is for them, win / win.

- Admin tasks have changed. We are taking on more and more without the increase of any time (we all still have 24 hours in a day), which can lead to mistakes and missed elements as we can be so focussed on other areas, be it in a business or working on our own thing.

What tasks are critical and are your sweet spot and which should be pushed down the pecking order? Consider this when doing your research and studies.

- Take note of Louisa’s tips for that work-life-study balance and how to stay organised:

- Breakdown your tasks into small bites sized chunks

- Consider using an online project management tool such as Asana

- Don't be afraid to ask for help – and that means your tutors and peers

- Set deadline dates and work out what is essential, cutting out the crap

- Take breaks – we’ve cover it in previous episodes, make sure you take heed as it is as important as the hours you are putting in


Top Tip – Brain Food

If you want to optimise your chances of passing a Marketing qualification, nutrition during studying can play a larger part than you think. Keeping healthy isn’t only good for your…. Health, but also your brain power.

Here is a list of those ‘super brain foods’ courtesy of the BBC Good Food:

Wholegrains – For concentration

Oily Fish – Healthy brain function

Blueberries – Boosts short term memory



Blackcurrants – Reduce anxiety and stress

Pumpkin Seeds – Boost your mood

Broccoli – Improve brainpower

Sage – Boost memory

Nuts – Protect brain function


Happy Marketing Everyone! Peter (@mktstudylab) Music Featured on this Podcast: Sleepy in the Garden Lobo Loco Creative Commons License

LinksLouisa van Vessem: LinkedIn: @WorkflowVA: Facebook: Insta:

Asana Project Management: Trello Project Management:


Theory:Douglas McGregor X and Y Theory:

Twitter Mentions