Who’s in your tribe? What the hell is a tribe. We’ll find this out later, but first we’re going to have a chat with Angela Ferrari.

Angela is a children's book author/ illustrator but also the creator and host of Story Spectacular, a twice-weekly children’s podcast featuring characters such as Nutty the Squirrel and FluffleStiltskin, but don't let this fool you. Behind all the imaginative and creative characters Angela is serious and passionate about what she produces for both parent and child.



- What are the pain points of your audience? Can you help to solve them? Although Angela’s target audience is aged 2-5, from a parents perspective these pain points are at bath and bedtimes, so the stories told on story spectacular are aimed at these

- How would you get feedback from an audience that struggles to talk, let alone type an email? Angela makes the most of her audience at live events to get feedback in real time allowing her to tweak stories and elements that may not be working.

But from a parents point of view Angela is very active on social platforms and receives lots of feedback via iTunes reviews. Feedback can be gathered in many different ways and usually the best is where it is easiest to engage with a company

- Finally Angela provided these tips for getting into the creative mindset:

            - Enjoy what you are doing, if you cant enjoy it, no one will

            - Look to incorporate your own emotions and passions into your work

            - Use visuals, they can help elaborate or even enhance the points you are making

            - Relax and find a place a way from distractions (mines in the shower)



So what are these things we call tribes? Interesting you should ask that as they haven’t really changed since we were living in caves, its just the location that differs. 

Where you may segment your customers into different categories, a tribe can be classed as a slightly different beast in that it means a group individuals who are linked by their social interests.

Today, these tribes are all over the internet, as it is the perfect place to find people with the same types of varied and niche interests as you, particularly on social channels that allow you to even set up groups (like we do offline) for people that may find your hobbies or passion of interest.

Happy Marketing Everyone! Peter www.marketingstudylab.co.uk www.linkedin.com/company/marketing-study-lab/ www.facebook.com/marketingstudylab/ https://twitter.com/mktstudylab (@mktstudylab) Music Featured on this Podcast: Sleepy in the Garden Lobo Loco www.musikbrause.de Creative Commons License

LinksAngela Ferrari: https://storyspectacular.com[email protected] Twitter: @storytacularInstagram: @storytacularFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/storyspectacular/

Books:Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert: https://amzn.to/2Tvxtm6

App:DuoLingo: https://www.duolingo.com

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