Guest and Episode LinksRuthie Bowles https://defythestatusquo.com

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ebook: The Business Owner's Guide to Content Marketing: @annaruthus: @defythestatusquobiz:

Books:Start with Why – Simon Sinek:

Enjoy the Episode - Happy Marketing!


Setting objectives and KPIs is something we’re going to get into later on. Why are they important and what is the difference? We also cover this topic with our guest, Ruthie Bowles. 

Ruthie is a B2B Content Consultant - Owner of Defy the Status Quo who provides content marketing strategy and creation for B2B companies that want ‘better than your bog standard’, above average, mediocre content. As Ruthie describes in our chat, it’s all about the authenticity and moving these online connections to ones that are valuable and above all else… human!


- Good is simply not good enough anymore. In the digital world there is a lot of mediocre content. To stand out you need to be better than this. Ruthie takes this to the extreme with everything that she does – from client communications to ideas and the end results. It’s a message we should all be listening to. 

- Authenticity comes from – consistency, being interesting and honest and most importantly, not holding back and being true to your brand energy. Don’t choose short-term gain for long term losses

- And finally, don’t operate in silos. And this goes for content creation as well. Utilise what is around you and within other departments. This will not only improve your content but also internal communications and relationships.


Top Tip – Setting objectives and KPIs

Just time for a quick ‘spot the difference’. The difference between objectives and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

So this is as simple as I can put it and because I love an analogy, I’m going to use a car journey here.

Your objectives should be what you are focused on achieving. You main goal, an end result, why you are doing what you are doing. In terms of a car journey, this would be you end destination – the postcode you’ve punched into your sat nav.

KPI’s, are similar to objectives, but these are the smaller markers you can set to make sure you achieve your overall objectives. In the case of the car journey, this could be – fuel efficiency or reaching the half waypoint by a certain time. Elements that are not specifically your overall goal or what you aim to do, but will keep you on track to achieve this.

In summary, objectives should be your bigger picture stuff where you are looking to achieve greatness, whereas the KPIs are smaller, incremental markers that, if hitting them, will build, to achieve your main objective.

Music Featured on this Podcast: Sleepy in the Garden Lobo Loco www.musikbrause.deCreative Commons License

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