In this episode, I’m talking with Dr. Shellie Hipsky about creating your personal brand. She’s created an amazing personal brand for herself and is dropping lots of value in this episode!

If you’re not familiar with her, Dr. Shellie Hipsky is the CEO of Inspiring Lives International, a motivational media company, and president of  Global Sisterhood, which is  a non-profit that guides and supports women and girls toward their dreams and goals. 

The American Chronicle called her, “A top entrepreneur in the U.S.” and Huffington Post categorizes her as a “Fierce Woman.” 

Dr. Shellie has earned the titles “Entrepreneur of the Year in Inspiration and Empowerment,” “Woman of Achievement,” “Best Woman in Business,” and “VIP Woman of the Year.”

And she has written 12 books and her 13th book is coming next July, and it’s titled  BALLGOWNS TO YOGA PANTS: Entrepreneurial Secrets to Creating Your Dream Business and Brand. 

Join us as we talk about:

·        How to get started building your brand and getting over the fear of putting yourself out in the world


·        Why it’s imperative to have a personal brand in today’s world


·        Keeping your brand authentic to who you are


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