If you're curious about whether paid ads would be beneficial for growing your health coaching business, but you're unsure because you've heard that ads don't work anymore, or you've heard somebody's horror story about how they lost thousands of dollars to an ad campaign gone wrong, then this episode is for you.

My guest today is Christina Bernhard, and Christina is a Facebook Ads agency owner for coaches, and she specifically works with coaches who are ready to scale their coaching businesses to the next level.

Christina spent years in the corporate world building a marketing department at a law firm, but she found herself dreaming of the freedom to travel where she wanted while doing what she loved. She found a way to navigate through her own limiting beliefs to leave the corporate world, build her business, and trade her things for a backpack of clothes to travel the world.

Now at her home base in Austin, Texas, she carries out her mission to help coaches get their important work out in the world and create a ripple effect of impact through paid media.

I think you're going to love listening in on our conversation about potential rewards that paid ads can bring to your business, the myths around using Facebook ads, the mistakes she sees people making — and what to do instead – plus so much more!

Full episode notes: https://drkimfoster.com/123