If you're building a health coaching business, you've probably thought about how you want your brand to look.

And if you're like many people, this might mean that you've given some thought to what you want your logo to look like, or maybe what you're going to choose for your colors.

But in this episode, I'm going to challenge your idea of what a brand actually is, and we're going to talk about why creating amazing brand visuals is just not enough on its own…and how you can take your brand from cute but forgettable into true brand recognition.

Today's guest is Naomi Gee, graphic designer and marketing strategist. As a StoryBrand Certified Guide, Naomi knows how important it is for women to connect the stories in their lives to the message of their brand. She's on a mission to help mom-owned businesses, specifically, survive past the start-up phase and thrive in their businesses.

I think you're going to love listening in on our conversation about building an unforgettable, impactful brand for your business.

Full episode notes: https://drkimfoster.com/122