Amidst the cluttered landscape of social media feeds, there exists a timeless avenue where relationships are nurtured and conversions flourish - the humble yet mighty, email inbox. Patty, together with Judi Harrington, dive into the strategy of effective email marketing and the importance of giving it a personal touch. They also cover why storytelling isn't just for books – but a powerful tool to connect and engage. Patty & Judi will walk you through the nuances of what makes readers click and stick to your emails. From the strategic placement of the unsubscribe button to respecting your reader's time, Patty and Judi cover it all – including tips on frequency, consistency, and why unsubscribing can benefit your focus on more engaged subscribers. It's an episode packed with insights on email marketing do's and don'ts.

Key Takeaways:

Homepage Essentials - seven-second rule for website homepagesComparing an email list to valuable real estateBalancing email frequency and content relevanceThe inevitability of unsubscribes and focus on interested recipientsUnderstanding the dos and don'ts in marketingStorytelling’s impact on marketing effectivenessLeveraging email for lead engagement and relationship buildingPersonalization and Subscriber RetentionInfusing humor into emails to boost ROIMaking the Audience the HeroSubject Lines and Email TimingThe Power of Email Marketing ROI

About our Guest: 

Meet Judi Harrington, recognized as "Judi 411" – the one-woman hive mind, prolific content creator, storytelling expert, and passionate business enthusiast known for her ability to help business owners transform their ideas into compelling narratives from crafting captivating website copy, curating engaging blogs, and producing newsletters that ensure a deep connection with target audiences. 

Judi is also a published author, book editor, and a writing coach who specializes in helping entrepreneurs bring their book ideas out in the world, where they belong.

Social Media Links:





5 Ways to UN-Boring Copy

6 Hot Tips for Email Storytelling

Connect with Patty:






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Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and...

Amidst the cluttered landscape of social media feeds, there exists a timeless avenue where relationships are nurtured and conversions flourish - the humble yet mighty, email inbox. Patty, together with Judi Harrington, dive into the strategy of effective email marketing and the importance of giving it a personal touch. They also cover why storytelling isn't just for books – but a powerful tool to connect and engage. Patty & Judi will walk you through the nuances of what makes readers click and stick to your emails. From the strategic placement of the unsubscribe button to respecting your reader's time, Patty and Judi cover it all – including tips on frequency, consistency, and why unsubscribing can benefit your focus on more engaged subscribers. It's an episode packed with insights on email marketing do's and don'ts.

Key Takeaways:

Homepage Essentials - seven-second rule for website homepagesComparing an email list to valuable real estateBalancing email frequency and content relevanceThe inevitability of unsubscribes and focus on interested recipientsUnderstanding the dos and don'ts in marketingStorytelling’s impact on marketing effectivenessLeveraging email for lead engagement and relationship buildingPersonalization and Subscriber RetentionInfusing humor into emails to boost ROIMaking the Audience the HeroSubject Lines and Email TimingThe Power of Email Marketing ROI

About our Guest: 

Meet Judi Harrington, recognized as "Judi 411" – the one-woman hive mind, prolific content creator, storytelling expert, and passionate business enthusiast known for her ability to help business owners transform their ideas into compelling narratives from crafting captivating website copy, curating engaging blogs, and producing newsletters that ensure a deep connection with target audiences. 

Judi is also a published author, book editor, and a writing coach who specializes in helping entrepreneurs bring their book ideas out in the world, where they belong.

Social Media Links:





5 Ways to UN-Boring Copy

6 Hot Tips for Email Storytelling

Connect with Patty:






Want to know the 7 key areas needed to ramp up your business? Take the quiz!

Get your Free Copy of the Marketing, Media & Money Magazine Now!

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