Video Marketing! Does it actually work? Well, I will tell you right now video working does work! I have been doing video marketing for quite some time now and today I'm going to show you that it actually works. I'm also going to drop some tips and tricks on what you need for your next video marketing campaign.I'm just going to throw these results right away.We spent around $3500 dollars on ads.We generated around 400 Leads.Cost per lead is around $8.75The answer is yes video marketing works!Here is what you have to do!Create An Offer For Your Video Marketing CampaignIn this particular campaign, we have around 6 offers. What is an offer well it is something that you are willing to give away for free to help someone out. Here are some examples.Free ChecklistWhat would be in this marketing checklist? There would be a checklist that someone needs to go there to set up their marketing campaign. It is essentially a step by step process for someone to solve their problem. In this case, someone might be looking for a video marketing checklist because they don't know how to set up their campaign.Free GuideThe guide is very similar to the checklist. It would guide the person through on how to set up a video marketing campaign. Guides are usually in the form of a pdf download. The person downloads the guide and is able to follow along.Free Video SeriesThis one might take a little more work. Video series means you need to have a series of videos that they can watch, to help solve their problem. The reason it takes more time and effort well it is that you need to create the message, shoot the videos, and edit the videos. You'll have to test and see what works for your product or service!Set Up Your Marketing CampaignsThe places that you are going to set up these campaigns are on Facebook and YouTube. Facebook you cost per results might be a lot cheaper than YouTube but I recommend that you run them on both. I believe that these things feed each other.Results from the Facebook Marketing EffortsThings you have to take into consideration. We are running ads to cold traffic (meaning people that don't know about this brand. The second thing is we are doing remarketing as well. Cost per lead for re-marketing is always cheaper than the cold traffic but you've got to do them both.Results from the YouTube Marketing EffortsAs you can see that this YouTube campaign we didn't spend as much and our cost per conversion is higher. I've found that to always be the case. Like I said earlier you should always run them both because I believe that they feed each.Create A Follow Up For Your Campaign