Paid Advertising KPIs Key Performance IndicatorsLifetime value of a customerUnderstand how to target on FacebookUnderstand the KPI'sPaid Advertising for a: Movie TheaterWith these assumptions, the lifetime value of this customer is $16,200. Treatment CenterThe lifetime value of this customer is $180,000.Real estateThe lifetime value of this customer is $12,000Know how to target with Paid AdvertisingThere are a variety of ways that you can target people on Facebook here is a list. GeoTargetAge-basedGender-basedlanguage basedRelationship-basedEducation basedWork-basedParentsLife EventsInterest-based (this list is huge)Things to take into consideration when doing Paid AdvertisingIs your email list growing?Are sales coming in?Are people liking, commenting, sharing, clicking your content?Are you getting reviews?Cost Per Click?Conversion RateFacebook & Google Paid- If your ads are converting around 4-6% you are doing a great job on feed ads and search ads. Other ads placements around 1-2% should be your goal.Cost per conversionCold traffic- If you are running ads to new people you should be happy if you can break even on your first sale for e-commerce. If it is a monthly subscription you should be happy if you are breaking even in the first monthRe-marketing- For remarketing ads you should be making money off of your ads at this point a small profit you should be content.Quality Score/ Relevant ScoreFacebook- You need to have a relevant score of 6+ if you don't then change out the ad, and go back to testing.Google Paid- If your quality score isn't above a 6 then you need to either raise your ad spend or you need to change out the ad copy.View RateOn YouTube and Facebook if you average view rate isn't above 10% go back to the drawing board.Facebook- 1.56% or higher if it is lower you need to change copy, messaging, targeting, essentially everythingGoogle paid-  your click-through rate should be around 6% if it isn't you might need to change your copy or possibly increase your bidsLanding PagesConversion Rate4-6% should be your target goal. If you aren't converting this good you need to change everything across the board. If you are higher than this you are crushing it.Paid Advertising KPI'sMy conclusion to all of this is you need to know your numbers and you need to be tracking everything across the board. Making sure you have all of the right tracking in place, this is a must for your success. If you have a question about any paid advertising or paid advertising KPI's I'm here to help. Send me a message on Facebook, or shoot me an email!!